PensionDanmark was established by a group of labour unions and employer organisations for the purpose of managing the pension agreements that have been part of the collective agreements since the beginning some 30 years ago, entitling all blue collar workers covered by a collective agreement to pension benefits from PensionDanmark.

Our mission is to enable our members to have a long and productive working life and to give them a financially secure retirement. Besides the pension scheme PensionDanmark also has a tightly knit social safety net which we spread out in the event of illness or death among our members, or if they need early retirement or lifelong learning support.


Sustainability is part of our DNA

Responsibility and sustainability are part of PensionDanmark’s DNA. The 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals adopted by all member states in 2015 have provided us with a framework for our CSR efforts, and with new opportunities. PensionDanmark has thus decided to let our activities be guided by the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

We rely on these goals in working to provide our members with better health, better education and training and attractive pensions.

Our preventive health measures and support for continuing education through one of the 18 educational funds we manage help ensure lower sick leave, increased job security, job mobility, longer working lives and higher pay for our members. It is not only for the benefit of the individual but also for the benefit of companies and society more broadly, because when our members have the necessary skills, they are ensured a high connection to the labour market and the companies are guaranteed access to qualified labor for the benefit of the Danish economy.

The goals are also an integral part of our investment policy, which has won us the position as a leading investor in sustainable real estate and renewable energy infrastructure. When we invest in real estate, we create jobs for our members during the construction period and deliver healthy workplaces for the many employees working in our office buildings, hotels and department stores. Investments in wind farms and bio mass plants produces green energy and creates jobs in Danish companies and with their subcontractors.

Our results over the past few years are testimony to the fact that commitment to sustainable investments generates attractive returns — exceeding those provided by listed markets — while at the same time helping to make the world a better place. We will continue to do good and do well at the same time.

As a provider of supplementary welfare benefits within the areas of pension, social security and lifelong learning and as a major investor, most of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals are relevant to our work.


PensionDanmark is an innovative company

We are constantly working to find new and innovative solutions that benefit our members and the community. This can be either financing climate-friendly investments, establishing preventive health systems or being a front-runner in digital collaboration with the public sector. With the goal of being the most cost-effective Danish pension company, our business model is focused on digital solutions that help ensure efficient administration for the benefit of our members.