Adult vocational training leads to new skills for the members of PensionDanmark. Moreover, skills upgrading is essential to society, to businesses and to individual members.
Scientific studies substantiates that lifelong learning contributes to higher wages, decreased sickness absence, and improved job stability and mobility.
The PensionDanmark way
Adult vocational training and education is a natural part of PensionDanmarks full range approach to ensuring our members a long and healthy working life and a financially secure old age.
As the administrator of a series of collectively agreed competence funds supporting competency development, we make an active effort to increase the attendance to further adult training and education among our members and to ensure that the skills upgrading is focused on the individuals qualifications while matching the needs of the employer.
The competence funds subsidizes the adult vocational training and general adult education of members, and PensionDanmark strives to make it as easy as possible for our members and their employers to identify relevant vocational training and education and for the companies to request the subsidy pay out. Click here for an overview of the board members in the different funds.
Website provides an overview
Through digital collaborations and automated solutions, PensionDanmark has created a portal for adult vocational training and education providing the members with a customised overview of the opportunities for skills upgrading.
In addition, when an employee complete an adult vocational training programme (AMU-course), the digital solutions provided by PensionDanmark creates an automated notification to the employer on the subsidies available from the competence funds. The application is set up automatically and it only requires a few clicks for the company to receive the subsidy pay out.
Automation increases activity
The digital and automated approach to adult vocational training and education has fostered increased activity in the competence funds administrated by PensionDanmark.
An analysis of effect by VIVE – The Danish Center for Social Science Research has established a 20 pct. higher level of attendance to AMU-courses within the competence funds administrated by PensionDanmark, compared to other competence funds.