Internal portfolios

The internally managed investments are geographically segmented, focusing on Danish equities, global equities, and equities from emerging markets, with the global portfolio being the largest. A common feature of these portfolios is their limited deviation from the benchmarks they are compared to. This ensures a low risk of significant differences in returns compared to the market. Additionally, an equity overlay is applied, allowing the exposure to the equity market to be adjusted without altering the underlying portfolio.

External portfolios

The externally managed investments include portfolios with a varying focus, but with a common aim to achieve higher long-term returns than the general market. Our current external managers are listed in the table below.

Variation in equity allocation

The equity allocation for individual members varies according to age. For example, older members hold a smaller proportion of equities due to their shorter investment horizons, making them more sensitive to significant short-term declines in the equity markets.

Contacts for Public Equities

Do you have any questions about public equities?

Find contact information on PensionDanmark's investments teams.