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Anholt Offshore Wind Farm

In 2011, the acquisition of 30 per cent of Anholt Offshore Wind Farm was PensionDanmark’s largest investment in renewable energy. The transaction marked a milestone towards increasing PensionDanmark’s investments in green energy and infrastructure.

Anholt Offshore Wind Farm is comprised of 111 Siemens turbines with a total nameplate capacity of 400 MW and a tip height of 141.6 metres. It was the largest wind farm in Denmark until 2019, its production covering the demand of 400,000 Danish households. The wind farm extends over an area of 88 km2 and started production in 2012.

There are several mechanisms in place to stabilise returns, one of which being a feed-in tariff throughout a period of approximately 12 years.

PensionDanmark acted as lead investor in a consortium with PKA, another Danish pension fund. Together, the consortium acquired 50 per cent of Anholt Offshore Wind Farm from DONG Energy (now Ørsted). Ørsted continues to own the remaining 50 per cent and acts as the asset’s operator.