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Brigg Renewable Energy Plant

In August 2013, PensionDanmark, Burmeister & Wain Scandinavian Contractor A/S (BWSC) and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP) formed a joint venture, to build, own and operate biomass power plants primarily in Northern and Western Europe and North America.

The Brigg Renewable Energy Plant is the first project of the joint venture.

The plant is located in Lincolnshire, East England and has a capacity of 40 MW. The biomass plant is primarily fueled by straw and produces energy covering the total consumption of 70,000 households. It results in an annual CO2 emissions reduction of approx. 300,000 tons.

The Brigg Renewable Energy Plant was completed and handed over to the owners in 2016 after a construction period of less than 27 months. Three months ahead of schedule and within the agreed investment budget of GBP 160m of which Copenhagen Infrastructure I is funding 80 per cent.

PensionDanmark's share of the investment is GBP 128m, funded through Copenhagen Infrastructure I. The fund was established in 2012 and is managed by Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners. PensionDanmark is the sole investor of the fund with a commitment of DKK 6bn.

The Brigg biomass power plant was built by BWSC who is responsible for operation and maintenance of the plant under a 15-year O&M agreement, which commenced on the date of completion.

The Brigg Renewable Energy Plant was developed by the leading British renewable energy company, Eco2. BWSC is collaborating with Eco2 on a number of projects, including a woodchip-powered plant in Wales and a similar straw-powered plant in Sleaford, Lincolnshire.

The plant is based on Danish technology. The core of the plant is a boiler primarily used for firing straw from the Danish company BWE. The steam from the straw is conducted to a turbine generator, which will produce electricity for households and businesses in the vicinity.