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In 2017, PensionDanmark invested in Calisen (formerly Calvin Capital) together with KKR. PensionDanmark holds a minority stake.

Calisen is one of the largest independent Meter Asset Providers in the UK, focused on the procurement, funding and ownership of gas and electricity meters on residential premises.
Calisen has an operating portfolio of slightly below 10 million meters split into both traditional manual meters and smart meters.

Calisen's business model is to purchase smart meters on behalf of energy suppliers, fund and pay for the installation and manage the billing process throughout their expected operating life.
"Calisen receives lease payments from energy suppliers directly on long-term contracts.
The roll-out programme to replace traditional meters with smart meters is backed by a political agreement to ensure a nationwide installation of smart meters in the UK within the coming years."

In August 2019 the company acquired Lowri Beck and gained complementary capabilities to carry out installation, meter reading and maintenance services on behalf of Calisen’s energy retailer customers.