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Veja Mate

Through Copenhagen Infrastructure II, PensionDanmark has indirectly invested in the 402 MW German offshore wind project Veja Mate.

Veja Mate is placed in the German part of the North Sea, approximately 95 km from the coast. With 67 Siemens SWT-6.0-154 turbines, each at 6 MW, Veja Mate has a total capacity of 402 MW.

Veja Mate was completed 23 months after financial close - four months earlier than planned. The wind farm has since May 2017 generated renewable energy to the German transmission grid with all 67 turbines. 

The total cost of the wind farm is EUR 1.9bn. The contribution from Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners through Copenhagen Infrastructure II is EUR 250m. 

PensionDanmark is the largest investor in Copenhagen Infrastructure II, which has attracted international investors from Norge, Sverige og England. In 2015 the fund received a total commitment of DKK 14.7bn from 19 financial investors. It is one of the biggest infrastructure funds in Europe.