The organisational structure is flat and focused so that all employees are close to their immediate manager. This ensures a high level of information and a good dialogue with every single employee on a daily basis - and not least short decision paths. We emphasise that the individual has great influence on solving his or her own tasks.

Employees contribute many ideas to business solutions, but also take great responsibility in contributing to the great activity that takes place through the staff association.

We focus on health and well-being. Employees are covered by health insurance, we have a gym, and all employees are offered a health check once a year. In addition, we have a bicycle scheme, fruit scheme and a canteen focusing on healthy and varied diet.

Competence development is a natural part of PensionDanmark's personnel policy. All employees must have – and continually be provided with – the necessary skills to cope with both daily as well as future tasks and challenges. As an employee, you have the right and obligation to participate in supplementary training in agreement with the immediate manager.

We continuously measure employee satisfaction, which has been at a stable high level for a number of years.