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Investors will investigate OW Bunker case

A group of institutional investors - including PensionDanmark - has initiated an investigation of OW Bunker. The purpose of the investigation is to understand the events leading up to the bankruptcy and to obtain information that can be used to determine whether there are grounds for asserting legal liability.

The institutional investors behind the investigation have a responsibility to their members and clients in terms of establishing whether it would be possible to recover some of the losses incurred by them as a result of OW Bunker's bankruptcy.

The purpose of the investigation is to determine the possibility of asserting legal liability and claiming compensation. The bankruptcy of OW Bunker was a significant, extraordinary and highly negative event in the Danish stock market, and there is a very strong need for understanding the events preceding the bankruptcy and, if possible, determining responsibility.

The investigation will be conducted on behalf of the institutional investors by the law firms Accura and Bruun & Hjejle, assisted by the audit firm EY. The investigation will cover the events surrounding the IPO and those leading up to the bankruptcy of OW Bunker.

The investigation will especially focus on errors and flaws in the prospectus prepared in connection with OW Bunker's IPO, liability in connection with the offering and sale of shares in OW Bunker as well as the management's liability for OW Bunker's operations in the period from the IPO until the bankruptcy.

The investigation will provide a legal assessment of the possibilities of determining responsibility and successfully claiming compensation. Based on the findings of the investigation, each participating investor will decide on further course of action.

Participating institutional investors include, among others:

ATP, PFA, AP Pension, DIP, Industriens Pension, JØP, Maj Invest, PensionDanmark and SEB.