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PensionDanmark continues having the most satisfied customers in the industry

PensionDanmark still has the most loyal and satisfied costumers among Danish pension scheme companies. It is the result of Loyalty Groups yearly analysis BrancheIndex Pension, which reveals the Danes’ loyalty to and satisfaction with their pension scheme company.

PensionDenmark peaked the list last year and it’s repeated this year. 3,500 costumers have answered a series of questions regarding their pension scheme company – e.g. whether they are pleased with the company and to which extend, the company fulfills their expectations.

Among 12 pension scheme companies PensionDanmark has the highest loyalty among customers. And the level of loyalty among PensionDanmark members in the analysis this year, is the highest recorded since the analysis was conducted for the first time in 2011.

“We are very proud of once again having the most loyal and satisfied members in the pension industry. As a company owned by the costumers our sole mission is to create value to our members. All our employees are striving to achieve that every day – whether the agenda is creating high returns, lowering costs, developing relevant products or delivering customer service at a high level,” says CEO Torben Möger Pedersen, PensionDanmark.

During the last year, PensionDanmark once again has reduces the administrative costs which already from the start of the year was among the lowest in the pension industry. At the same time PensionDanmark succeeded in improving the customer service regarding faster responds, faster case handling and delivering an increased number of available digital self-service solutions.

“Receiving this price for the second time shows, that we are on the right path in many cases, at that our everyday work really makes a difference for our members," says CEO Torben Möger Pedersen, PensionDanmark.