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PensionDanmark: Satisfying half-year results

PensionDanmark delivered before-tax investment returns close to DKK 4bn in the first half-year of 2016. Administrative costs were further reduced and premiums grew.

PensionDanmark yielded investment returns of DKK 3.8bn in the first half-year. For members, this ensures a return of 1.3 per cent (members age 40) and 3.2 per cent (members age 65) before taxes. In recent months market returns have improved increasing returns to 3.5 per cent and 4.7 per cent for the two age groups respectively.

Administrative costs per insured decreased by 10 per cent in the first six months of 2016. Premiums increased by DKK 0.7bn totaling DKK 6.4bn, while the assets under management grew by DKK 7bn reaching DKK 189bn. The number of members grew by 9,000 to a total of 686,000.

”Overall, we have achieved satisfying results in the first half-year, during which our investment portfolio once again proved robust despite the significant turbulence in the financial markets, while simultaneously managing to bring down administrative costs even further”, says CEO, Torben Möger Pedersen, PensionDanmark.  

The use of services in PensionDanmark Health Care increased substantially in the first half of 2016. Members received a total of 125.000 treatments at PensionDanmark’s 124 local health centers – a 24 per cent increase compared to the same period of 2015, in which 101.000 treatments were given.

Key Figures 1. half-year 2016 1. half-year 2015
Premiums, bn DKK 6.4 5.7
Return on investment assets, before tax, bn DKK 3.8 7.9
Benefits paid, bn DKK 3.4 3
Balance, bn DKK 188.7 181.5
Costs, pr. ensured 142 157*
Number of members 685,596 677,052
Return on investments (before tax), per cent, age 40 1.3 6.1
Return on investments (before tax), per cent, age 65 3.2 2.7

*Costs pr. ensured in 2015 are corrected for larger net revenue.