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PensionDanmark has submitted an offer to acquire a minority stake in Nykredit

PensionDanmark has together with four Danish pension funds submitted an offer to acquire a minority stake in Nykredit.

The consortium of pension funds has offered to acquire shares in Nykredit from Forenet Kredit, Industriens Fond and Foreningen Østifterne.

In addition to PensionDanmark, the consortium includes PFA, PKA, AP Pension og MP Pension. The consortium has offered to acquire 16,9 pct. of the total shares in Nykredit against a total consideration of DKK 11.6bn. PensionDanmark’s share of the investment will be DKK 1.65bn (corresponding to 2.4 pct. ownership stake in Nykredit).

”PensionDanmark has made the investment together with the consortium as Nykredit has a strong market position and because we believe that Nykredit going forward will continue to drive value creation through its business operations. This will over time result in stable and competitive returns for our members,” says CEO Torben Möger Pedersen, PensionDanmark.