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PensionDanmark wins global investment award in Amsterdam

At the IPE Real Estate Global Conference and Awards 2019 in Amsterdam last night, PensionDanmark won one of the three prestigious platinum awards.

Real Assets and Infrastructure Investor of the Year was thus awarded to PensionDanmark.

“We are proud to have been awarded infrastructure investor of the year. PensionDanmark was the first Danish Pension Fund to invest directly in infrastructure. Since the first investment in Nysted Offshore Wind Farm in 2010, we have markedly increased our investments in infrastructure to more than 20 bn. DKK. We aim to have 20 percent of our assets of more than 250 bn. DKK. Invested in sustainable real estate and infrastructure”, says CEO Torben Möger Pedersen, PensionDanmark.

The motivation for the award is: “Clear structure, clear track record, long history and steep learning curve in order to save on third-party costs, with experience in direct investing, especially renewable energy.”