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PensionDanmark accelerates development of sustainable student accommodation units

In a partnership with Boligfonden DTU and Scandi Byg, PensionDanmark has developed a formula for efficient development of attractive student accommodation units made of wood. The units are climate sustainable and the rent is well below the monthly grant for students not living at home.

Help is on the way for students in need of affordable accommodation. Every year ahead of study start, students search in vain for accommodation in the main university cities in Denmark. PensionDanmark and Boligfonden DTU have just signed an agreement that will enable more than 300 students to move into new student accommodation units in Ballerup near Copenhagen in August 2021.

At the same time, the first 120 of almost 500 students have just moved into their new student accommodation units in Lundtofte in the municipality of Lyngby-Taarbæk north of Copenhagen, just eight months after PensionDanmark and Scandi Byg a/s commenced construction of the wooden modules – the first student units to be both Swan-certified and carry the DGNB gold sustainability certificate.

“The projects in Ballerup and Lundtofte are proof that our exacting quality and sustainability standards are compatible with social sustainability in the shape of accommodation units affordable to students living on student grants. Our partnership with Boligfonden DTU and Scandi Byg has proven highly satisfactory in terms of both quality and efficiency and thus also in terms of generating solid returns for our members. We therefore see a great potential in developing many more student accommodation units”, said Marius Møller, Director of Real Estate at PensionDanmark.

Facts about the student accommodation units in Lundtofte
Location: Lundtoftevej 160, Lyngby
Total floor space: 17,500 sqm
No. of units: 478
Moving-in date: Stage 1: from the summer of 2020
Design and build contractor: Scandi Byg
Architects: Tegnestuen Vandkunsten
Clients: PensionDanmark and Boligfonden DTU
Certification: DGNB Gold and Swan label

Facts about the student accommodation units in Ballerup
Location: Betzy Meyers Høj (future road behind DTU Ballerup)
Total floor space: 10,685 sqm
No. of units: 299, accommodating 318 students
Moving-in date: Stage 1: August 2021, stage 2: December 2021
Design and build contractor: Scandi Byg
Architects: Vandkunsten
Clients: PensionDanmark and Boligfonden DTU
Certification: DGNB Gold and Swan label