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PensionDanmark nominated for CSR Award 2020

As the only financial company, PensionDanmark is nominated together with six other large Danish companies for the annual CSR Award given by FSR – Danish Danish Auditors. 67 companies were evaluated in the process.

The CSR award 2020 recognises large Danish companies who in their annual reporting create transparency and credibility around their social responsibility and inspire others.

“We are very pleased with the recognition of our work represented by the nomination and not least with the distinguished company of six other large Danish companies who also work determinedly with sustainability and ESG. If we are to realise the common ambitious Sustainable Development Goals and climate goals, it is essential that we are able to measure the effect of our work. As the first Danish pension fund, PensionDanmark published audited ESG key figures in the 2019 Report quantifying for instance the carbon footprint of our equity portfolio. We continue to work on quantifying other investment portfolios, for instance of our portfolio of sustainable real estate”, says PensionDanmarks CEO Torben Möger Pedersen.

The jury emphasises PensionDanmarks Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2019 as “a report, which transparently and systematically account for PensionDanmarks approach to the work on sustainability, the UN Sustainable Development Goals and responsible investments as well as mentioning of the dilemmas associated with their work. The climate theme of the report (p. 27-31), the formulation of the climate challenge and PensionDanmarks ambition and role in supporting compliance with the goals of the Paris Agreement through specific initiatives, is stressed”.

PensionDanmark is nominated in the category large unlisted companies together with Arla and Grundfos, while A.P. Møller-Mærsk, Carlsberg, Rockwool and Ørsted are nominated in the category large listed companies. The award is given on October 26.

You can read PensionDanmark's CSR Report 2019 here