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PensionDanmark awarded for sustainability reporting

Denmark’s largest labour-market pension fund receives award at Environmental Finance's Sustainable Investment Awards 2022.

PensionDanmark’s efforts to report thorough and transparent on impact has been internationally acclaimed.

On Wednesday, Denmark’s largest labour-market pension fund received the award for “Best sustainability reporting by an asset or fund manager: large” at Environmental Finance's Sustainable Investment Awards 2022.

“It is a great honour to be highlighted for our sustainability reporting. It is a priority to us and we are continuously striving to expand the scope and level of detail to enhance transparency even further. And this award is a big encouragement to keep up the effort,” says Torben Möger Pedersen, CEO of PensionDanmark.

The judges appreciated PensionDanmark’s efforts to measure impacts as well as the transparency in inclusion and exclusion decisions. The judges also commended PensionDanmark for being the first Danish pension fund to have their ESG figures included in the independent auditors report.

PensionDanmark’s report on corporate social responsibility reports in accordance with article 7 of the EU Disclosure Regulation. This includes disclosure of the climate, environmental and social impact of the companies in our equity portfolio in terms of hazardous waste volumes, gender pay gaps and exposures to controversial weapons, among other things.

In addition, the report measures the carbon emission from 60% of our total investments.

”We keep on exploring how to provide an even more detailed view on our activities and how they impact the outside world as well as our members and employees. Detailed reporting provides insights and enables positive change that cannot be orchestrated in the dark. You get what you measure,” says Torben Möger Pedersen.