Personal data and disclaimer

On, we use the cookies, which you consent to, and we process your e-mail address if you subscribe to our newsletter. All personal data is processed carefully, and we have clear rules for the use of your personal data.

In this Privacy Policy, we explain which personal data we process and for what purpose, who we share your personal data with, what your rights are and how you can complain.

PensionDanmark seeks to make the content on as correct and accurate as possible. However, the information provided on should not replace the reader’s own assessment of which steps to take.
PensionDanmark assumes no liability for any direct or indirect loss incurred as a result of any transactions made on the basis of information shown on is subject to copyright protection and the website may not be reproduced in full or in part without permission.

Information provided by third parties
The external links available on are only for your information.

PensionDanmark assumes no responsibility for any material produced or otherwise made available by third parties, irrespective of whether this material can be accessed via links on

Such third parties must provide statutory information about themselves on their own websites, and PensionDanmark assumes no responsibility for any non-disclosed or inadequate information.

PensionDanmark Real Estate
If you register your interest in owner-occupied or rental housing, PensionDanmark Ejendomme will send you an e-mail whenever a relevant unit, based on the information you have provided regarding your age, marital status, current residence, etc., becomes available. You can request to have your data deleted from the list at any time. Read more (in Danish)

How we share your personal data
At PensionDanmark, we process your personal data carefully, and we have clear rules for the use of your personal data.

Below, you can see which personal data we process and for what purpose, who we share your personal data with and how you can complain.

Data recipient The purpose for which the recipient uses your data
Ritzaus Bureau If you subscribe to our news service on we will send information on your e-mail address to Ritzaus Bureau A/S – a Danish data processor. Ritzaus Bureau will use the information to administrate our news distribution service. When you unsubscribe from this service, your e-mail address will be retained to ensure that you will not get resubscribed without a renewed permission from you. You can always contact Ritzaus Bureau to get your e-mail address deleted.
Microsoft Azure Microsoft delivers the IT platform on which runs, and which is used to handle contact and consent information


If you want to know more about our processing of your personal data and your rights, please contact our data protection officer at

If you want to complain about our processing of your personal data
You can complain about our processing of your personal data. To do so, please contact our data protection officer or the Danish Data Protection Agency.

PensionDanmark’s data protection officer
You can send your complaint to our data protection officer by e-mail to or by ordinary mail to:

Attn.: PensionDanmark’s data protection officer
Langelinie Alle 43
DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø

The Danish Data Protection Agency
You can also lodge a complaint with the Danish Data Protection Agency, Carl Jacobsens Vej 35, DK-2500 Valby Copenhagen K. If you prefer to send an e-mail, the address is However, the Data Protection Agency recommends sending e-mails by digital post through to protect your personal data.

You can